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    Charlotte Purls

    Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

    and they call me 'Mommy'...

    Drips and dribbles of my life and the things that peak my interest... mainly the kidlets and knitting.

    Sunday, May 20, 2007

    The Quarintine Continues.

    It's driving me NUTS. Dory is now full fledge sick, and Jack is still suffering and I swear if I don't get us all well and out and about soon, I am going to SCREAM!!! I HATE being sick. I hate feeling isolated nearly as much as I hate the idea of passing the yuckies on to others.
    I hate watching friends play outside knowing that if I went out to join them that they would likely get sick and miss work and pay.... I wouldn't be a very good friend if I did that.
    But man oh man do I want to go and play too.



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