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    Charlotte Purls

    Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

    and they call me 'Mommy'...

    Drips and dribbles of my life and the things that peak my interest... mainly the kidlets and knitting.

    Wednesday, December 20, 2006

    So Sorry!

    So, it's been a week since I posted. John is in New Orleans, Jack weighs 13 pounds and 7 ounces (as of yesterday morning), Dory weighs over 30, we are all finally well and the house is clean again, and I just got back from Raleigh from visiting my friend Sarah and her son Jeremy who turned 1 on Sunday.

    Lots has happened... do I remember any of it? Nope. I have 2 kids and no brain. :(

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    Blogger MelloYello said...

    Thank you for letting us borrow your hubby, he was one of the most helpful people at the entire wedding! Thanks again!

    7:00 PM  
    Blogger Jenny said...

    :) no prob, about ready to go and get him from the airport!

    7:05 PM  

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