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    Charlotte Purls

    Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

    and they call me 'Mommy'...

    Drips and dribbles of my life and the things that peak my interest... mainly the kidlets and knitting.

    Friday, April 21, 2006

    The Quickening

    5 am and I was nursing Dory when I felt the faintest brushing roll over deep inside. Dory felt like a tiny muscle spasm internally, but this was much closer to the cliche butterflies. I really think that I would not have felt it if Dory didn't have me up and stilling very still, so thank you big sis!
    I think 12 weeks is really early, even for #2, but I am excited about the first movements none the less!


    Blogger Deb said...

    Congratulations! That is the BEST feeling in the world.

    I stumbled on your blog a while ago, and have been enjoying reading it ever since.


    7:20 AM  

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