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    Charlotte Purls

    Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

    and they call me 'Mommy'...

    Drips and dribbles of my life and the things that peak my interest... mainly the kidlets and knitting.

    Monday, April 14, 2008

    My private Turnip Island

    It's so silly, but I am getting some GREAT joy out of this little turnip top right now.... my very own deserted island. I've gotten lost in the trees already, setting up my hammock.

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    Blogger Yankee John said...

    AGGGGHHHHH! Watch out everyone, there is a GIANT turnip island on the loose!

    8:29 PM  
    Blogger Ted said...

    ISn't that William Golding hiding in the foliage?

    11:01 AM  
    Blogger Unknown said...

    Hi, it's been quite a while since I posted so you may not remember me.
    Just wanted to tell you that as soon as I saw the picture of your turnip I to, thought about being on a deserted island. Then when I read the blog post I had a good laugh. Glad I wasn't the only one thinking that way. hehe

    9:45 PM  

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