Friday, August 22, 2008
The Tailgate Market owner, Lynn, came up with a contest/school type project for the regular kids. This past week she had them plant salad seeds in dirt in a rather nice take out dinner container. We forgot to water them when we got home, but remembered the next morning. By Wednesday evening, less than 24 hours, they had sprouted. The next morning there was twice as many and several were over 1/4" tall! By lunch they were about 1/2". This morning, 3 days later, they are everywhere and many are way over an inch!!! These are some fast sprouting seeds. I was expecting several days. Nope. They were just itching to grow! I so wish I had taken pictures now, I could have made a little time lapse video out of them. Oh well.
Bottom line is this was perfect timing for Dory. She is very excited about them and that is something I don't know I could have gotten her excited about on my own. She is *determined* to win the contest for "greenest leaves". Im not sure what the actual contest is for or it's length, but she's excited none the less!
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