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    Charlotte Purls

    Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

    and they call me 'Mommy'...

    Drips and dribbles of my life and the things that peak my interest... mainly the kidlets and knitting.

    Wednesday, March 08, 2006


    I hate to clean, but I do try..... I have done countless loads laundry over the past few days, 4 loads of dishes, and have cleaned the bathrooms and shower curtains. All the while pregnancy exhausted. Did I say that I don't enjoy cleaning? The house does look some better though. I am trying to get ready for our trip so that the house doesn't look so nasty when I get home. That is always stinky, to come home to tons of chores that have to be done.

    That said, i have bought some natural cleaners that I now am in love with. Essential Bliss by Jami is awesome! I don't feel like my chest is tight, my hands are raw or my eyes are stinging. And everything I have used it on has come clean right away! Can't always say that for the chemical cleaners I buy at the store!!! So, I thought I would tell you how happy I am with them.


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